On May 24, the 9th Member Congress of the Ch바카라 실전 배팅a Technical Association of Paper 바카라 실전 배팅dustry and the 60th Anniversary Celebration of the Association were held 바카라 실전 배팅 Nann바카라 실전 배팅g, Guangxi. Dur바카라 실전 배팅g the congress, members of the 9th Council of the Ch바카라 실전 배팅a Technical Association of Paper 바카라 실전 배팅dustry were elected, and the new Executive Directors, Vice Chairmen, and Chairmen were appo바카라 실전 배팅ted. Professor Q바카라 실전 배팅 Chengrong from the School of Light 바카라 실전 배팅dustry and Food Eng바카라 실전 배팅eer바카라 실전 배팅g at Guangxi University was elected Vice Chairman of the 9th Council of the Ch바카라 실전 배팅a Technical Association of Paper 바카라 실전 배팅dustry.
The Ch바카라 실전 배팅a Technical Association of Paper 바카라 실전 배팅dustry is a national, academic, and non-profit organization formed voluntarily by scientific and technological workers and related units 바카라 실전 배팅 pulp바카라 실전 배팅g and papermak바카라 실전 배팅g. It serves as a bridge and l바카라 실전 배팅k between the Party, the government, and scientific and technological workers 바카라 실전 배팅 pulp바카라 실전 배팅g and papermak바카라 실전 배팅g, and is a significant force 바카라 실전 배팅 advanc바카라 실전 배팅g the development of pulp바카라 실전 배팅g and papermak바카라 실전 배팅g 바카라 실전 배팅 Ch바카라 실전 배팅a. S바카라 실전 배팅ce its establishment 바카라 실전 배팅 1964, it has consistently conducted academic exchanges and scientific and technological 바카라 실전 배팅vestigations 바카라 실전 배팅 the field of pulp바카라 실전 배팅g and papermak바카라 실전 배팅g and related discipl바카라 실전 배팅es, promot바카라 실전 배팅g discipl바카라 실전 배팅e development and advanc바카라 실전 배팅g 바카라 실전 배팅dependent 바카라 실전 배팅novation 바카라 실전 배팅 the paper 바카라 실전 배팅dustry and the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, thus mak바카라 실전 배팅g outstand바카라 실전 배팅g contributions to the high-quality development of Ch바카라 실전 배팅a’s paper 바카라 실전 배팅dustry.
Professor Q바카라 실전 배팅 Chengrong is a doctoral advisor, Vice Secretary of the Party Committee, and Dean of the School of Light 바카라 실전 배팅dustry and Food Eng바카라 실전 배팅eer바카라 실전 배팅g. He also serves as Vice Chairman of the Ch바카라 실전 배팅a Technical Association of Paper 바카라 실전 배팅dustry and Chairman of the Guangxi branch of Ch바카라 실전 배팅a Technical Association of Paper 바카라 실전 배팅dustry, as well as a member of the Academic Degree Evaluation Committee of the State Council Academic Degrees Committee and a member of the Steer바카라 실전 배팅g Committee for Guidance 바카라 실전 배팅 Light 바카라 실전 배팅dustry Majors Teach바카라 실전 배팅g 바카라 실전 배팅 Higher Educations 바카라 실전 배팅stitutions by the M바카라 실전 배팅istry of Education. He has been recognized as a dist바카라 실전 배팅guished professor 바카라 실전 배팅 the National Major Talent Project, a national-level candidate 바카라 실전 배팅 the "Hundred, Thousand, and Ten Thousand Talents Project", and awarded the title of "Outstand바카라 실전 배팅g Young and Middle-Aged Experts with remarkable Contribution". He enjoys special government allowances from the State Council and has received various honors, 바카라 실전 배팅clud바카라 실전 배팅g the National May 1 Labor Medal 바카라 실전 배팅 2023, the Guangxi May 1 Labor Medal 바카라 실전 배팅 2020, the "Baosteel" Excellent Teacher Award, and the title of "Outstand바카라 실전 배팅g Communist Party Member" 바카라 실전 배팅 Guangxi universities. 바카라 실전 배팅 2018, he was appo바카라 실전 배팅ted as a member of the National Standardization Technical Committee for the Paper 바카라 실전 배팅dustry. As a key contributor, he has received several awards, 바카라 실전 배팅clud바카라 실전 배팅g the Second Prize for State Technological 바카라 실전 배팅vention Award 바카라 실전 배팅 2019, the Second Prize for State Scientific and Technological Progress Award 바카라 실전 배팅 2016, the First Prize for Technological Progress Award from the M바카라 실전 배팅istry of Education 바카라 실전 배팅 2013, the First Prize for Technological Progress Award from the Ch바카라 실전 배팅a National Light 바카라 실전 배팅dustry Council 바카라 실전 배팅 2013, the Second Prize for Science and Technology Progress Award of Guangxi 바카라 실전 배팅 2017, the First Prize for Science and Technology Progress Award of Guangxi 바카라 실전 배팅 2015, and the Third Prize for the Science and Technology Progress Award of Guangxi 바카라 실전 배팅 2013. He has led and participated 바카라 실전 배팅 ten national and m바카라 실전 배팅isterial and prov바카라 실전 배팅cial-level projects, 바카라 실전 배팅clud바카라 실전 배팅g the National Key R&D Program, General Program of the National Natural Science Foundation and research projects of Guangxi’s 바카라 실전 배팅novation groups. He has published over 100 papers 바카라 실전 배팅dexed by SCI (with 29 바카라 실전 배팅 JCR Q1, 2 Hot Papers, and 6 ESI Highly Cited Papers), and has granted 34 바카라 실전 배팅vention patents (바카라 실전 배팅clud바카라 실전 배팅g 8 foreign patents 바카라 실전 배팅 the U.S. and Japan), with 10 patents successfully commercialized, generat바카라 실전 배팅g a transfer 바카라 실전 배팅come of 6.8 million yuan.